See what our customers are saying about us...

Thank you for helping our 4th child enter Yale. It must be a record to have 4 out of 4 kids be assisted by one consultant and ALL enter the University that’s produced the most Presidents in the world.
— Parent of 4 previous clients who ALL received admissions nods to Yale University
I just got my English grade back, and I received an A*! On a global ranking, I was in the top 8%. Thank you so much for teaching me for all these months...
— Student, 2015
Without The Edge, I seriously would not have gotten into Duke University. [The Edge consultant] is not just a counselor, but also a friend.
— Previous Client, admitted to Duke University
[My daughter] has been enjoying working with her counselors, and I learned a lot in this whole process. I like the quality control and straightforwardness of the counseling.
— Mother of a previous client admitted to Columbia University
I heard about the 4 out of 4 Yale admissions help, but helping us get our two children into Cornell is the cherry on top of the cake.
— Parent of 2 previous AC Clients who were BOTH admitted to Cornell University
You’ll be pleased to know that I passed with flying colors, though “pass” is an understatement.

The final score overall for English Literature was 85%!!!

— M.K. IGCSE English Literature Student